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Harpers indies survey reveals widespread price rises

Published:  30 August, 2023

Harpers’ latest survey canvassed the UK’s independent retailers to ask which cost pressures are affecting them most and to what extent. Now, the results are in – and we can the report that price rises have become a necessary evil for the majority of businesses.


Northern Ireland retailers welcome business rates announcement

Published:  17 February, 2022

Independent retailers in Northern Ireland have cautiously welcomed the announcement that non-domestic rates are to be frozen for the next financial year and that businesses will still receive a three-month rates holiday.


UK importer launches distribution service for canned wines

Published:  26 January, 2022

Propeller, the hybrid importer founded by Jamie Wynne-Griffiths in 2020, is embracing new formats with the launch of The Can Collective.


Duty and import confusion intensifies in 2022

Published:  21 January, 2022

Red tape and potential duty rises are going to push up prices for wine, as James Lawrence reports.